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By Kashifa Wisal

A 27-year-old Pimple Nilakh, Pune, man torched 13 two-wheelers at a housing society’s parking area early on Wednesday after having a heated fight with his family. The accident, which took place at around 3:30 am, prompted a 62-year-old resident to lodge a complaint with the Sangvi police. While the police have lodged a case against the accused, he is yet to be arrested.

The complainant and suspect are neighbours in the same housing society in Inglenagar, Pimple Nilakh, said Sub-inspector Bhimsen Shikhare of the Sangvi police. The suspect is an alcoholic and had been creating trouble at home for some time, regularly harassing his parents and brother. The matter had escalated to the extent that the complainant and other affected residents had already assisted the suspect’s family in admitting him into a rehabilitation facility in an effort to treat his alcohol addiction problems.

Late in the evening of Tuesday, the suspect engaged in a furious fight with his family, and the act of arson followed. At about 3:30 am on Wednesday morning, enraged, the suspect went to the parking area and burnt his mother’s and brother’s two-wheelers. The flames spread fast and engulfed 13 two-wheelers in all, belonging to other people who live in the society.

A few residents saw the suspect as he was burning the cars. They immediately reported the incident to the authorities, and the police were able to reach the location. The authorities have arrested the suspect under Section 326 of the Indian Penal Code, which pertains to mischief by causing hurt by fire. The police are still investigating the incident.

While the suspect has been identified, he is still on the loose, and the police are in pursuit of him. The residents of the society, on the other hand, are left to cope with the loss and the effects of the destruction of the fire. The incident has also sparked alarm regarding the security and safety of residents in the area.

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