The Prime Minister addressed a rally in Srinagar, strongly praising the people of Kashmir and urging them to vote for the BJP on September 25th.
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Trisha Ghosh, Pune

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed a rally in favour of the BJP on Thursday in Srinagar, where a huge number of people had gathered to listen to the PM. During his speech to the crowd, the PM strongly condemned the Abdullahs, the Muftis and the Gandhis, attributing Kashmir’s three decades of political instability and civil conflict to them. During his address to the crowd, he elaborated on various significant socio-economic changes in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) since 2019 and highlighted his previous promise to restore its statehood status. 

Of particular note is that people in Jammu and Kashmir have voted in larger numbers than before. The poll of Phase 1 recorded a significant voter turnout of 61.13%. The Prime Minister lauded the voters for their support for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and commitment towards the betterment of their region.

Terming it a ‘festival of democracy’, the PM pointed out how a large amount of voting was done by women, as well as the very young and elderly. As per his statement, Kishtwar had a voter turnout of 80%, while Doda and Rambam had 70% and Kulgam had 62%.

Furthermore, he expounded on his earlier promise of restoring Jammu and Kashmir to statehood status in the Parliament. He emphasised that the promise would be kept. The PM strongly urged the people to vote for the BJP, announcing that the party is in favour of peace and prosperity in Kashmir. 

He went on to explain how Kashmir has undergone numerous reforms since 2019, including the freedom now afforded to the people. He credited the citizens for these changes, including the celebration of both Hindu and Muslim festivals, local hustle and bustle till late evening hours, public spaces such as cinemas being open till late and a higher tourism record. 

On the other hand, he openly criticised the Gandhis, Muftis and Abdullahs, referring to them as ‘three families’ and accusing them of only intending to rob the people of Kashmir and spreading fear. He iterated that the people of Kashmir have shown resilience in bringing about a change in their own lives, prioritising education and employment. The PM also highlighted the expectation of Kashmiris coming out unabashedly to celebrate and spread their culture and traditions, called ‘Kashmiriyat’.

Finally, he stated that his goal is to give the people freedom and create a state devoid of terror and conspiracy.

He emphasised his plans to generate employment, measures such as railways providing good connectivity to other parts of India and the prospects of new factories being set up. The Prime Minister also promised free electricity and greater health insurance between Rs. 5 lakh and 7 lakh. 

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