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Garima Ranjan, Pune

Aspartame, a chemical artificial sweetener used in all beverage products could be possibly a carcinogen warns WHO. If have you been a sweet tooth all these years, then possibly it’s time you stop and think and monitor consumption levels. According to two different reports an agreed quantity has been specified for consumption. 

In a press conference, WHO’s head of nutrition, Francesco Branca advised people to make the right choices of drinks over water.  Aspartame when discovered was on the contrary considered a better option over sugar for it was popular for its zero calories claim.  Since these chemical products are used for all artificial sweetener purposes it’s hard to have a hold on consumption and since it concerns all humankind regulation advisory from WHO is needed to have a warning regulated.  

A major segment of the population consumes soft drinks, ice cream, and baked confectionery, and not just that but sugar-free options have good quantities of aspartame which can result in non-regulated consumption and lead to possible cancers. 

WHO may not have evidence to support the claim made by them and JECFA (Joint Expert FAO/WHO Committee on Food Activities) but having an advisory in place lowers possible risks to huge populations and can also promote healthy lifestyle choices. With even a slight possibility of having carcinogen properties in food, it is important to check on what humans and animals are consuming.

A normal 2B group level cancer is less dangerous than already posing health issues related to obesity and pollution levels. Occasional consumption with regulated levels is advised by WHO until there are official confirmations of the health hazard.