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Drumil Modi, Pune

Mukesh Ambani, chairman of Reliance Industries Limited, has announced that Jio will be one of the key pioneers of 6G capabilities worldwide. The following statement was made during the 46th Annual General Meeting of the company. 

Ambani emphasised Jio Platforms’ evolution from its beginnings as a telecom operator to its current position as a technology company. He explained that this change goes beyond national borders because Jio Platforms wants to extend and export its cutting-edge “Made-in-India” technology stack to global markets.

In addition to the 6th generation of the internet, Ambani also unveiled Jio’s plans to develop new AI systems similar to those of Chat GPT for Indian users. He stated, “Jio is committed to bringing AI to every corner and every person. And we will make it happen.”

Qualcomm CEO Cristiano Amon also attended the meeting, and he mentioned that they will be working very closely with Jio on 6GHz technology, cloud-native, scalable, and flexible 5G infrastructure, in both sub-6GHz and mmWave. The goal for both Jio and Qualcomm here is to develop an ecosystem that extends beyond India.

Some potential key features and goals of 6G include high data rates, ultra-low latency, massive device connectivity, advanced spectrum utilisation, energy efficiency, AI integration, and holographic communications.

Jio was established with the goal of making India a leading digital society seven years ago. Ambani claimed that the business had made significant investments in creating a Digital Public Infrastructure that is now attracting attention on a global scale. He concluded that Jio has played a significant role in India’s extraordinary digital revolution.