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Kruti Dave, Pune

World Brain Day aims to increase public awareness of neurological illnesses and brain health. It is observed yearly to promote brain health, advance research, and assist those afflicted with neurological diseases.

This day strives to raise public knowledge of brain illnesses and health to improve access and lessen equity inequities. You can prevent, treat, and recover from brain problems. It all starts with education to guarantee everyone access to professional care, treatment, rehabilitation, and assistive technology. Good brain health is a fundamental right that is owed to everyone, wherever.

The World Brain Day theme for 2023 is “Brain Health and Disability: Leave No One Behind.” This international program aims to close the information gap and increase public awareness of impairments to brain health. In addition to promoting better healthcare, education, and research on neurological illnesses, it also emphasises the significance of offering people with disabilities access to high-quality healthcare. The primary objective is to ensure everyone gets the help and consideration required to maintain their best possible brain health.

World Brain Day Historical Background:

The World Federation of Neurology was innovated on July 22, 1957. The Public Awareness and Advocacy Committee made a suggestion, and on July 22,” World Brain Day” was created. This idea was madly supported by attendees at the World Congress of Neurology( WCN) Council of Actors meeting on September 22, 2013. This encouraging response led to the Board of Trustees approving the conception at their meeting in February 2014, making it a periodic event that takes place on the same day every time.

Relevance of World Brain Day:

On this day, representatives from various government and private organisations come together to raise awareness about brain health and its associated diseases. They do this by organising various events, including workshops or open discussions on mental health, sharing personal stories on social media to uplift patients dealing with brain diseases, holding fundraising activities for those who need financial assistance to treat their condition, and conducting workshops related to brain health. 

Due to the significant role, the brain plays in our general well-being, promoting brain health is essential. The control of our thoughts, feelings, movements, and biological processes rests with the brain. There could be severe repercussions for people and society if its functioning is compromised.

Globally common and significantly impacting public health are neurological illnesses like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, epilepsy, and stroke. Patients are not the only ones affected by these disorders; carers and healthcare systems are heavily taxed.