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Shrutika Patil, Pune

Savitribai Phule Pune University’s (SPPU) Marathi Study Centre has paved the way for a remarkable transformation by proposing the inclusion of Marathi as a mandatory subject in all university courses. 

The decision aims to propel Marathi beyond its conventional role as a language of instruction and elevate it to an essential tool in education, business, and employment.

By adopting this resolution, SPPU claims the distinction of becoming the first university in the state to undertake such a commitment.

A  meeting convened by Dr. Sandip Sangle, Chief of the Marathi Study Centre, underscored the urgency to rejuvenate the significance of the mother tongue in educational and social domains. 

The declining prominence of Marathi prompted the initiative to ensure its teaching across diverse branches and colleges, thereby preserving its legacy and expanding its influence. 

By incorporating Marathi within the university curriculum, the language’s potential to thrive in realms of business, industry, and knowledge is expected to soar.

Dr. Sandip Sangle emphasized, “The Marathi Study Centre is resolute in its vision to instate Marathi literature and language as mandatory components across all disciplines. We intend to engage in a dialogue with the state government to further this objective. By imparting education in Marathi, we envision its emergence as a language integral to employment opportunities.”