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Aishwarya Kumar, Pune

The array of hope fades for hundreds of people looking for hospital beds as the rising monsoon in Pune comes along with viral/ respiratory tract infections and cases of influenza and dengue. 

As the monsoon advances in the city, several viruses are circulating at the same time, causing ICUs to fill up at a faster pace. Most of these hospitalized cases require ventilator support, too. Patients admitted to the ICU take longer to recover, leaving the bed occupied for a long time. “We receive inquiries about hospital beds every day from at least two to three patients,” said Dr.SK Sale, director of Noble Hospital, in a conversation with the Hindustan Times.

Patients carrying saline bottles and waiting outside hospitals while waiting for vacant beds at sub-district government hospitals have become common in places like Bhor. 

Most of the hospitals in the city have experienced a surge in outpatient departments (OPD), adding to this misery. Additionally, the viral infection has worsened in the city, coupled with several patients rushing to city hospitals in search of ICU beds, which compounds the pressure on healthcare facilities in Pune. 

Pune had previously equipped itself by expanding its healthcare facilities, which included bed capacities, to accommodate the large influx of patients rushing to hospitals during COVID-19. The recent increased demand for ICU beds, however, points out the need for proactive measures to manage the sudden viral surge in the city. 

Pune is navigating through this crisis as government agencies, healthcare providers, and the public join hands to curb the rapid spread of the viral infection. Meanwhile, the healthcare facilities in the fast-growing city are equipped enough to handle such catastrophes.