Group of Asian Students studying in college.
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Garima Sharma, Pune

The University Grants Commission (UGC) has made a considerable advancement in the Indian system for recognising and equating foreign degrees. The commission has issued detailed guidelines describing the standards for evaluating and recognising foreign academic qualifications in an effort to facilitate the mobility of students and professionals.

In response to the rising demand for international education and the rising number of students seeking degrees abroad, rules have been developed. The UGC seeks to provide a transparent and standardised framework for determining the equivalency of foreign degrees in recognition of the significance of promoting smooth transitions between the international and Indian educational systems.

Institutions wishing to recognise foreign degrees must follow a stringent evaluation process under these suggested guidelines. The duration, curriculum, and assessment techniques of the program as well as the foreign institution’s accreditation status, will all be taken into consideration. The UGC further emphasises that the recommendations will be often updated to guarantee their relevance and conformity with changing international educational standards.

This action is anticipated to be advantageous to a variety of people, including students looking to pursue higher education abroad, professionals looking for work in India after earning foreign credentials, and academic institutions looking to offer high-quality instruction while taking into account varied international learning experiences.

Although the proposed recommendations are a start in the right direction towards improving the acceptance of degrees earned abroad, they will need to go through review and comment before being formally implemented. The UGC program demonstrates a dedication to supporting academic excellence and encouraging global educational collaboration within the context of Indian higher education.